Conference Topics:Digital Technology/Artificial Intelligence, Case Presentations, Multidisciplinary Therapy, Maxillofacial Reconstruction/ Occlusion, Advanced Biomaterials/Biology, Esthetic Dentistry/Implant Prosthodontics

All poster abstracts relating to conference topics will be reviewed with the understanding that the abstract was submitted prior to the July 23, 2023 deadline. All abstracts must be submitted via the conference website (Link to: CALL FOR PAPERS).

Mailed, emailed or faxed abstracts will not be accepted. Presenters are solely responsible for submission and of their abstracts and ensure they have subsequently received an ICP confirmation of their submission.

Please keep your abstracts to 350 words or less. All selected oral abstracts will be published in our Conference Program Book. Authors of abstracts are encouraged to publish their research in a peer-reviewed prosthodontic journal.

Editing Your Abstract Paper:
If you wish to edit your abstract, please do so prior to July 23, 2023

Poster presenters are required to register, pay conference fees and will receive no compensation. All poster presenters must pay registration fees and confirm attendance prior to August 31, 2023. Failure to do so may result in your abstract being removed from the poster competition and Conference Program Book.

Presenters are required to complete the following Disclosure Statement. The disclosure statement will be included on the Call for Papers abstract submission process.

The International College of Prosthodontists (ICP) requests that all speakers shall disclose any affiliation with and financial interest in a company or a product related to the subject matter of the presentation as a part of the Speaker’s Agreement. The intent of this policy is not to prevent a speaker with an affiliation or financial interest from making a presentation but any potential conflict must be identified openly so that the attendees have the full disclosure of the facts and may form their own judgments about the presentation. Disclosure information will be shared with the attendees to gain perspective on the educational merits of the presentation.

Awards will be presented to the most outstanding posters.

ELIGIBILITY: Must be an ICP Member in good standing. First (presenting) author of any Competition Poster presented at the meeting will be eligible for the prize.

ADJUDICATION: A panel of judges who are experienced and senior academics will review the submissions and judge them on the following criteria:
1. Case presentation – the visual impact of the poster, the clarity and technical excellence of the clinical pictures and the appropriateness to prosthodontics. We ask that if pictures of patients are presented the appropriate consent has been provided.
2. For both clinical and other research the panel of judges will look at the visual impact of the poster, the clarity of the description of the research presented and the impact of the science.

In all cases the decision of the judges is final.

PRESENTATION: The awards will be presented during the ICP meeting.

PRIZE: There will be up to ten prizes for Competition Posters in four categories that may be allocated for the ICP Shanghai.

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  1. The best case presentation poster
  2. The best four posters depicting clinical research
  3. The best five posters for all other research
  4. PUBLICATION: Abstracts with definitive scientific data may be considered for publication in the IJP.

ATTENDANCE: Poster first (presenting) authors must be the presenter and are required to be present during Poster Session. Presenters who fail to attend the meeting will have their abstract removed from publication and consideration for awards.

The contents of this page are subject to change, please return for updates

Views expressed by the presenters at the ICP Meeting are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the ICP. The ICP reserves the right to cancel or modify its program as circumstances might dictate.